The AI Empowered Youth program offers professional certifications to 86 candidates from Global Tech Leading Experts. Participants will gain direct exposure to partner workplaces, working on real-case scenarios and developing effective techniques to resolve issues using the latest technologies. Guided by market tech leaders, this program ensures hands-on experience and expert mentorship, preparing candidates for successful careers in the tech industry.

Registration Requirements for the National Development Program:

  • The period of the program is 2 full years.

  • The applicant must be registered as a job seeker with the Ministry of Labor and for not less than 3 months.

  • The applicant must not have received a government-funded training program before.

  • The applicant must not be older than 28 years.

  • The applicant's work experience must not exceed 3 years.

  • The applicant must be an Omani national.

  • The applicant must be registered with the Ministry of Labor as a job seeker.

  • The applicant's degree must have been issued in the year 2020 or later with a minimum of a bachelor's degree.

  • The applicant will undergo a routine medical examination.

  • Proficiency in English, both spoken and written, is required.

  • The applicant must be willing to travel according to the training schedule.

:شروط التسجيل في البرنامج الوطني للتطوير  

.مدة البرنامج سنتين كاملتين

أن يكون المتقدم مسجلا كباحث عن عمل في وزارة العمل ولمدة لا تقل عن 3 اشهر 

لم يحصل على برنامج تدريبي ممول من قبل الحكومة 

ان لا يزيد عمر المتقدم عن 28 سنة 

ان لا تزيد خبرة المتدرب عن 3 سنوات 

ان يكون عماني الجنسية

أن يكون المتقدم حاصل على مؤهل الباكلوريوس كحد أدنى 

أن تكون الدرجة العلمية للمتقدم صادرة في سنة 2020 فما بعد

سيخضع المتقدم للفحص الطبي الاعتيادي  

اتقان اللغة الإنجليزية تحدثا وكتابة 

عدم الممانعة في السفر حسب جدول التدريب

Application closes on 15 Sep 2024,

Don’t miss the opportunity to join our program…

Practical Problem-Solving

Candidates build and apply techniques to resolve issues using the latest technologies, guided by market tech leaders.

Direct Workplace Exposure

Candidates experience real-world work environments, gaining insights into industry practices and workflows.

Guidance from Experts

The program includes mentorship and guidance from industry experts, ensuring participants learn from the best in the field.


Get certified in data science.

Be one of the demanded scientists in the market.

Get certified and be the master of cutting-edge AI techniques.

Develop and utilize intelligent solutions.

Get in-depth knowledge of IoT technologies and applications needed to thrive in our interconnected world.